Message of love from Diana to mankind
My dear friends from all around the world

It is with deep emotions that I received your love after my death. I
never, never suspected that you could spread so much love for me. If
only I had known you were capable of such love for me, I would not have
searched for it so much.

I searched for it all along on the outside not understanding that
everything comes from the inside. Only we have all the answers and we
keep looking all around us in search of a miracle to make us feel wanted
and loved. If only I had had the knowledge to look inside of me for the

Now, I want to share this message with you around the world. It is not
too late to start loving yourself and from that love will emerge Love
for the others. You can change the world if only you believed in
yourself and started loving yourself without judging. Accept yourself
as you are. You are wonderful, only you don’t believe it and you are
waiting for others to tell you. You may wait for a long time. Don’t
take that route. I have tried it and it doesn’t work.

Start loving yourself for who you are : a lovable living person with a
great heart who doesn’t know how to use it. You can change the world by
loving yourself and spreading this love around you. Simply by a loving
sincere tender look. You don’t have to speak, just let the love flow
through you and you will make wonders. You will achieve the
impossible. You will move mountains : mountains of hatred, mountains of
sorrows, mountains of pain, pain in the heart, pain from living, pain
from being scared.

Believe in yourself and start experiencing this love with no conditions
attached, this pure Love that all human beings are capable of. This
planet needs it and only your love, your pure Love and your devotion to
attain success can save it. Time is running short. You must spread the
word of love all around you. If you start, your neighbors start, your
friends and their friends start you will start the unending wheel of
love that all humans need so much.

I thank you personally for spreading this word of love all around you.
As a gift, when you read this message express the desire of experiencing
the Love that you are capable of and I will be beside you to help you
attain it. You don’t have to believe it, just do it and you will see.

Make sure you spread this message and let everyone, you know, experience
what Love ca mean to them.

With all my love without boundaries
Diana, Princess of Love.

Channeled on October 3rd 1997
By : L. Lachance, Quebec, Canada.

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